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Personalized Cannabis Testing....follow your DNA to CBD and Cannabis Compatibility

This is something new that just came across my radar…DNA testing to see your own unique and personal response to CBD, THC and terpenes and potential side effects.  An in-depth scientific report shows how your unique genetic makeup may best respond to cannabis strains and formulations. Results include product recommendations, suggested dosage guides and methods of administration.  For patients and physicians.

Have you already done a 23 & Me, Ancestry or Family Tree DNA test? If so, you can upload your test and the cost is much cheaper. If you haven’t already done DNA testing then this company sends you a kit for you to take your own swab, register the kit online, send in the kit and they will take it from there.

Cannabis medicine can be tricky sometimes, finding the right mode of delivery, compatible strains for your own health situation and dosing, especially if you have many health issues going on at the same time

This might provide more insight. This is a new realm of testing and I would imagine as time goes on it will be more comprehensive.

To learn more about the company and how it works please visit EndoDNA