Still afraid of THC????

THC is the most prominent cannabinoid in the cannabis plant. Most people think THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is only used to get “high” and don’t bother to look at the medicinal effects. Back in the 1970’2-80’s the THC content of cannabis was much lower so it took more cannabis to “get high” but with the breeding going on now, the THC levels in cannabis strains are MUCH higher, so it doesn’t take much THC to get the results you want. Taken in low doses THC can have these medicinal effects:

  1. Sedating/Relaxing

  2. Reduces Pain

  3. Anti-tumor effect

  4. Anti-oxidant

  5. Reduces intraocular eye pressure

  6. Reduces nausea

  7. Stimulates appetite

  8. Anti-inflammatory

  9. Induces sleep

  10. Reduces anxiety/depression

  11. Gut issues

    Alot of people and especially seniors have some apprehension in trying THC because of the stigma and the fear of losing control. That is certainly something to think about but I have had alot of people try THC alone or in combination with CBD and have more effective results than just CBD alone. Obviously smoking or vaping THC when you are not used to it can create problems since you cannot regulate how much THC you are getting into your system and usually it too much! Then you have a negative experience and swear you will NEVER try it again! Sound familiar?

    And what are the negative effects of THC when you have too much? Here is a list of what some people might experience:

    1. Rapid heartbeat

    2. Lightheaded/dizzy

    3. Dry mouth/Red eyes

    4. Anxious/paranoid

    5. Hunger

    6. Sleepiness

      Cannabis is not fatal!!!! The above effects will wear off if you were ever to experience them. There are no cannabinoid receptors in the brain that control breathing and heart rate. This explains why there is no possibility of fatal overdose, unlike opioid drugs that can cause death!

      I myself have been in that situation before and it can create alot of fear but when taken in low doses can be very beneficial. How do you get low doses??? Tinctures are a great way to get consistent dosing. Everyone is different in regards to dosing…someone might only need 2 drops while others might need 15 drops for various conditions. So it is best to start of with a low dose, 2-3 drops and increase slowly until you get the desired results. Even cannabis doctors recommend this. This way you avoid the uncomfortable effects of too much THC! The only negative feedback that I have received was from a couple of people that got impatient and decided to take a dropperful instead of drops and had a not so great experience! Lesson learned.

      For instance, I had to find the right dose for myself for my sleep issues..I started with 2 drops and increased the drops over a period of 4 days to find that 6-8 drops of THC tincture works perfect for me without getting high or feeling groggy in the morning. So having some patience to find what is right for you will work in your favor.

      So with all that said, THC can be your friend for many health issues taken responsibly and taken in low doses. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

      To your health! Elizabeth@PiantaTinta