Counteracting a too intense high....

Recently saw an article about 8 ways to counteract a too intense cannabis high, at

What surprised me was that Cannabidiol (CBD) was not even on the list. Cannabidiol counteracts any negative psychoactive effects of THC. For those of you who have never experienced this, some of the effects of taking too much THC can be rapid heartbeat, drowsiness, dizziness, inability to concentrate, increase or decrease in blood pressure, anxiety and paranoia...these can be very uncomfortable but fear not, there have been zero reported cannabis overdose deaths in the history of the plant. So remember no matter how freaked out you will be fine!!

Here is the list of 8 ways to counteract the uncomfortable effects according to

1. Don't panic - the effects can last minutes to sometimes hours, but know that it will wear off, give it some time and the feelings will pass.

2. Know your Limits: don't feel pressured to consume more than you think you can handle, take it slow, especially if you are going to consume edibles. A standard dose of edibles is 10mg but I would start at 5mg and ease into it. You can always increase once you know how your body handles it. This goes for inhalation also.

3. Keep hydrated: This will help with the "dry mouth" stay away from alcohol as it can increase THC blood concentrations.

4. Keep Black Pepper on hand: cannabis and pepper have very similar chemical traits; pepper has a “phytocannabinoid-terpenoid effect,” which is known to help with pain, depression, addiction, and anxiety. Combining the terpenoids (such as beta-caryophyllene) in pepper with the tetrahydrocannabinol in cannabis has a synergistic chemical reaction on the cannabinoid receptors in the brain. In layman’s terms, they both bind to the same receptors in the brain and, when combined, have a therapeutic, calming effect.

5. Keep calm and rest: Concentrate on your breathing and the sound of your breath. Sometimes sleeping it off can work, but it might be hard if you can't turn your brain off, but if you feel sleepy, then sleep!

6. Try going for a walk: If you can't turn your brain off, then try going for a walk, stick close to home of course, sometimes fresh air and distraction works. If you feel light headed, then its best not to walk.

7. Take a shower or bath:  If you are at home, try this to help you relax.

8. Distract yourself: listen to music, play a video game, talk to a friend, something that gives you positive feelings (like eating ice cream!)

So, some good tips, but my favorites are:

CBD: a cannabinoid that naturally counteracts the psychoactive effects of too much THC. I personally experienced taking too much THC oil and found myself pacing the living room with a increased heart rate, and a little bit of paranoia. Knowing that I would be alright I took a dropperful (about 20mg) of CBD tincture and within 3 minutes my heart rate started slowing, and within 5 minutes I was back in bed. Had I not taken the CBD, the uncomfortable feeling could have lasted 30-690 minutes. Keep some CBD on hand!!

Black Pepper: keep some peppercorns on hand and crunch on a few! Combining the terpenoids (such as beta caryophyllene and pinene ) in pepper with the tetrahydrocannabinol in cannabis has a synergistic chemical reaction on the cannabinoid receptors in the brain. In layman’s terms, they both bind to the same receptors in the brain and, when combined, have a therapeutic, calming effect.

Lemon peel- contains the terpene called limonene, which works on anxiety and calms.
